de_deadblock Map created by: AlphaKennyOne ( Created for the 2007 Halloween Map Pack! ------------------- You've done it, now! The spirits of de_nightmare have become angry, and determined to be sure you do not make it out alive! They have taken control of the Terrorist's bodies, and are targeting two areas: the subway and the generator rooms. The subway is your last chance to escape, and if the generators are destroyed, their spirits can roam freely, slaying you and all your teammates in the cover of darkness. CT's, you must eliminate all threats if you want ANY chance of survival. ------------------- WARNING! KNOWN BUG: Should the round end while the "black and white" event is occurring, you will be stuck with that black and white overlay until you restart the whole map. I can't fix this, but yes, I do know about it. It's very unlikely that this will ever happen, but in case it does - don't say I didn't warn you! ------------------- More stuff can be found in the full readme. ------------------- Secrets? What secrets? I have no idea what you're talking about. ------------------- This map contains 8 events which are split up in two groups of 4. One from each group is randomly chosen to occur during each round. This is so people couldn't just say "Oh, this-and-this is going to happen when you walk into that area" or "Don't go down there, because you'll trigger such-and-such". It keeps each round a mystery, and will hopefully catch people off-guard when something happens in one round, then it's not seen again until a few rounds later. It's rather common for some events to be randomly chosen time and time again, while you may not see another for quite some time. So, don't worry if you see this happening. Nothing is broken. ------------------- Thanks to everyone in the community who tested and offered feedback on this map, as well as my other ones. Thanks to Cc_Nipper for helping out with .nav files and all that good stuff. ------------------- My e-mail address is provided in case you ever want to say how much you liked (or disliked) the map, or if you have any questions about it, or whatever. I'll be around. However, I never use MSN Messenger anymore, so odds are I won't see any possible additions for a long time, if ever. -------------------