"Phrases" { "Not Chicken" { "en" "You're no longer a chicken." } "Health" { "en" "Health set back to {lightgreen}100" } "Chicken" { "en" "You have been turned into a {lightgreen}chicken{green} by an admin. Have a clucking good time!" } "Chicken Health" { "#format" "{1:i}" "en" "{green}Your health has been set to {lightgreen}{1}" } "CantBuy" { "en" "{red}You can only buy hegrenades while you're a chicken" } "CantBuyNades" { "en" "{red}You cannot buy any weapons while you're a chicken, knife only!" } "AlreadyVoted" { "en" "You have already voted." } "VoteAlreadyPassed" { "en" "Vote has already passed, the next round will be a Chicken round!!" } "PlayerStartedVote" { "#format" "{1:N}" "en" "{green}[{lightgreen}{1}{green}] wants to start a vote for the next round to be a Chicken round!!" } "VotePassed" { "en" "Chicken vote successful, the next round will be a chicken round!! {lightgreen}Have a clucking good time" } "VoteNotPassed" { "en" "Chicken vote failed, Note enough people wanted to play as a chicken!! {lightgreen}Go suck an egg" } "CantVote" { "en" "You can't vote right now, try again in a few minutes." } "Have Chicken Round" { "en" "Have a Chicken Round?" } "Votes Needed" { "#format" "{1:i},{2:i}" "en" "{red}{1} vote(s) so far, {2} more needed to start the vote." } "You Voted" { "#format" "{1:s}" "en" "Your vote for a Chicken Round was: {red}{1}" } }