"Phrases" { "No Access" { "en" "You do not have access to this command" } "Back" { "en" "Back" } "Next" { "en" "Next" } "Exit" { "en" "Exit" } "Previous" { "en" "Previous" } "all players" { "en" "all players" } "all humans" { "en" "all humans" } "all bots" { "en" "all bots" } "all dead players" { "en" "all dead players" } "all alive players" { "en" "all alive players" } "all spectators" { "en" "all spectators" } "Vote Count" { "#format" "{1:i},{2:i},{3:i}" "en" "Votes: {1}/{2}, {3}s left" } "Voted For" { "#format" "{1:s},{2:s}" "en" "{1} voted for {2}" } "Changed Vote" { "#format" "{1:s},{2:s}" "en" "{1} changed their vote to {2}" } "No Vote" { "en" "No Vote" } "Name Reserved" { "en" "Your name is reserved by SourceMod; set your password to use it." } /* This is a special "pass-thru" translation */ "_s" { "#format" "{1:s}" "en" "{1}" } }